Game 11, Scandinavian Defense, 2...Nf6, sprcow(1435) vs. Philmate(1546), Monday 1/14/2019

Well I finally got matched upward. My opponent played the Nf6 Scandi, which I know nothing about facing. I guess I have to learn somehow. I made fairly reasonable moves, but much too slowly, and ended up pretty far behind on time early in the game. I spotted a tactical opportunity and had a very good position for a few moves, but failed to find the continuation that prevented my opponent from trapping my piece.

I thought I still had a good position, with two advanced connected pawns, but my opponent defended well and eventually I blundered while playing on increment. Frustrating to lose in this way, but not the worst game. I could have easily been winning if I'd manage to hold after the tactic, so I think there's nothing stopping me from facing players at this rating level in the future.

Honestly, I thought my opponent played pretty crap moves in the opening, but it cost me so much time trying to respond that it didn't hurt them much. I'm not sure if the immediate answer to that is for me to improve my calculation speed, study openings more, or just don't worry so much about playing exactly the right moves at this time control. I hate getting to later in the game and basically feel like I'm not playing chess any more because I have no time.
