Game 6, French Tarrasch, Scott_Hake(1342) vs. sprcow(1412), Tuesday 1/8/2019

Yet another game as black, yet another French Defense. Today was the Tarrasch, which always makes me think of the Tarrasque. Since it's strong and scary, like the Tarrasque, I guess it makes sense. White puts the knight on d2 where black can't pin it, though I don't play the Winawer anyway so in some ways I feel like it makes white's play more awkward and takes away their Nb5 ideas. Usually when someone plays 3.Nd2 against me, I still am a little cautious because it means they have at least some idea what they're doing in the opening and I might be in for a fight.

Today started out extremely typical, but my opponent allowed me to take the d4 pawn and then played a dubious knight move that also gave up the e5 pawn. I was worried I'd missed something tricky, but it looks like they just straight up lost those two pawns and now I had a comfortable advantage.

I tried to leverage this into a kingside attack, but I just couldn't get my pieces into the game quickly enough and convinced myself that making a few trades would benefit me, since I was up on pawns. Unfortunately, this just allowed white to defuse the situation and we ended up in a position where my lead dried up, and then I blundered a tactic because I didn't notice a back rank threat against myself. It's easy to tunnel vision on protecting your pinned pieces!

My time management wasn't awful, but I still played a number of obvious moves too slowly and was feeling some pressure by the end. I finished with only about a minute left on the clock. I think I need to continue to hone my sense of danger and work on keeping awareness of the full board throughout the game.
